National Skills Registery

NSR Declaration

We request you to complete the registration and bio-metric process of NSR before joining ILP (please visit site If, under certain circumstances you are not able to complete the registration, the same will be taken care of at the time of joining.

After successfully registering with the National Skills Registry (NSR), please accept the declaration below and submit your 12 digit IT PIN number.

In connection with my application to render services to Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (the "Company"), I hereby agree as follows:

I am registered with the National Skills Registry (NSR)/I agree to register with the National Skills Registry(NSR). I hereby agree that TCS may (a) access, view, download and use my data in NSR for purposes within TCS, or in connection with this application or my employment with TCS, (b) refer my data for background check by agencies appointed by TCS in its absolute discretion and upload into NSR the outcome of reference check and/or background check done by TCS or its service providers, (c) upload additional information / remarks (including reasons for cessation of my employment) in NSR at the end of my employment with TCS.

I also certify that the information furnished by me is factually correct and subject to verification by TCS (including Reference Check & Background Verification). I accept that an appointment given to me on this basis can be revoked and/ or terminated without any notice at any time in future if any information is found to be false, misleading or deliberately omitted/suppressed.

I confirm that the Company is entitled to share such investigation report with its clients to the extent necessary in connection with the Services, which I may be required to provide to such clients. I confirm and undertake that the Company shall incur no liability or obligation of any nature whatsoever resulting from such investigation or sharing of the investigation results as above.

Put your IT PIN number in this tab on clicking
and submit it.


  1. I entered my ITPIN on 24 SEP 2024 02:00 PM and as of now ( 28 SEP 2024 ), 4 days have passed, I haven't recieved any mail or update in NextStep portal.
    And lastly, after submitting ITPIN why that section is still open asking me for ITPIN?


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