Swapping base locations in TCS

Hello Friends,

The job location is an important factor and we all keep this in mind at the very first while applying for a job. Our job life is much affected by the location where we do the job. And of course the company gives us choices for it where we want to get the job. We all apply for our choices for the desired location. Some people want it to be approachable from their home, family, relatives etc so that they can help them or get their help easily whenever possible, whereas some want the location from the career perspective where they can see their fast growth. 

All of us have different reasons. I hope you guys are now well known of the different locations provided after ILP training as I have already given the regarding info. You will get to know your base location within one month from joining the ILP. Most of the people get their preferred one out of the filled choices. TCS HR department tries their best to locate you at the place of your choice, still there is a probability that you get the location none of your choices. But don't lose hope there are options available to change the location. So here I am giving you the all info related to this.

After providing you the base location, they give you a chance to request for another location. Suppose you have got the location of your 2nd or 3rd preference or say you have got other than all the three preferences, you can still request for your desired one. For this, they ask for you some valid reason why do you want to change. These reasons include some health issue, a serious one. It may be you as well as your family member who can have the issue. You should have the valid documents related to medical reason duly signed by the doctor. And also you can have the reason of some unavoidable family situation like you are the single son or daughter, you cannot stay away from your parents who are solely dependent on you for household and other works. In any of these type of serious cases you can give the application for changing the base location. After considering the request they ask you for presenting the documents or something as a proof and then after inspection they take their decision. If your reason is valid enough and they also think this should be done then definitely you get the preferred location.

Secondly you also have the option of swapping with other person. Yes, swapping. You can interchange with the other person who has got the location which you want and he also wants to change with you. For this, you must have the other person with same stream as of you. Like a person of java, who has got Delhi as location but wants to change with the one you have got, you must be of java stream. After deciding mutually, you both can talk to the HR personally in this matter. Swapping is a cumbersome process for the HR department hence they say you to avoid this option and not to make hopes. But if HR is convinced and takes the matter into his consideration then there are chances that you both get desired locations of your choices. 

Now third and last possible option is also there if neither of the above works. It is inter-ILP swapping. If a person at different ILP say Ahmedabad has got Hyderabad and wants to go Delhi. Here you are from ILP Hyderabad and lives in Hyderabad but have got Delhi. So now if you are in contact with each other through any media (like fb...the biggest media) then you can have the talk of swapping the locations. For this you only have to talk to HR at your respective ILP centers. After convincing them, you may have your locations swapped.

So guys this was all about the process of changing the location. HR department tries their best to provide you with the preferred one but in the end, all of this depends on their business requirements. Whatever may be the case, if for some reasons you do not get the desired place or city, do not bother. Because there are always some compensatory arrangements done. 

TCS does it for you if due to some complications they can not locate you at the desired place. Persons getting 2nd or 3rd preference, get extra amount of 2000 Rs plus reimbursement of a 3rd AC railway ticket to the place from the ILP center. And persons getting their first and wanted choice, get 3rd AC railway ticket only.

I hope it is enough for now. You know the procedure of applying for the change request. I wish all of you to get your post locations as you want. But don't be sad if you do not get the one. Life is all about learning with experiences. A different place brings you a lot of chances to learn different things. So do not stop, have patience because earlier or later, one always gets of his choices.

Go ahead and keep learning... All the best!!!

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  1. If my friend has a diff location and i like to move to that location ..and he has a diff field of work but designation s same ..is that possible to swap

  2. I wanted my location to banglore but dey have put me in Ahmedabad for ILP, what Im I supposed to do? I dont want to miss this opportunity to join TCD

    1. Same thing happened to me.. 😢I too looking for change.. Were ur from.. ? May I know..

    2. Initially i got my base location as ahmedabad but it was changed when i received the release letter to bangalore, contact me if you're interested in swapping.

    3. ping me on whatsapp @ 7017700324

    4. Hey i want to change i got ahemdabad but i want bangalore

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Any Bnglr r AP people how got Ahmadabad location plz ping me..
      I too got Ahmadabad location.

    7. I got Bangalore location. Anyone who has got Ahmedabad want to swap. Then contact me

    8. I'm ready fr swapping.. if ur streem is IT... Ping me Madhavisake249@gmail.com

    9. Please ping me at him825422@gmail.com

    10. I want to get the location of delhi but i got ahmedabad any body want to swap please ping me on omsai2949@gmail.com

  3. I gave my location as kochi, bangalore and chennai. But somehow i got Kolkata. Is there a way i can change my location to kochi before joining ILP?

    1. Bro are you malayali, are u joined tcs, where were you work now, plz plz contact me**9400509650, I also have the same issue likes you!

    2. @aswin i want to change my location currently my location is Chennai but i want to change my location kolkata.do u want please contact me 8210764765

  4. I got bangalore as my location but I want kochi anybody wants to swap?

    1. Which year batch you are from 2020 or 2021

    2. Hey I got kochi location but I want to relocate to Bangalore can we swip my mail id rajkumarrk1307@gmail.com

  5. I got my work location in Hyderabad but I'm in chennai is that anybody want to swap? Kindly ping me i dont want to miss this opportunity

    1. I got my work location in chennai. but I live in hyderabad. I want to swap. is it possible?

    2. Hey what is your stream even I wanted hyderabad location but i got chennai

    3. Hey did the swapping work?

    4. I gave my work location in chennai but i want to swap to hyd

    5. I got kolkota location in tcs joining letter,but i need hyderabad or bangalore.If anybody interest to swap plzz contact me..

    6. I got banglore but I want hyd anyone is there to swap

  6. Is anybody interested to swap the location to mumbai. My preference is kochi. My ILp is at April 22.

  7. Is any one want to swap the location with me i got Hyderabad and my preferred location is Delhi Ping me

    1. Hey.. I got location kolkata and my preferred location is Hyderabad(IT stream). You want to swap?

    2. ping me on 7077895642 my location is bangalore but i want kolkatta/bhubaneswar anybody interested ping me

    3. Bro I got Kolkata I want to change to Bangalore or hyd can we swap

    4. I got Mumbai but I want Hyderabad

    5. I got delhi location, but my preferred location is hyderabad any one swap

    6. I got delhi location, But my preferred location is hyderabad any one swap.

  8. i have got Varanasi and i am from Delhi , So if anyone wants to swap Varanasi from Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon please get into touch.

  9. I got my Base Location in Kolkata but I want to change my location to Hyderabad, so if anyone want Kolkata please contact me immediately please as it is very very important to me.

  10. I got my Base Location in Hyderabad but I want to change my location to Ahmedabad, so if anyone want Hyderabad please contact me immediately. I think if someone wants to change swap the location as mentioned above then its very important for both of us. kindly contact via mail.

    1. I'm OK with hyd .. Ping me, madhavisake249@gmail.com

    2. I got my ipl at mumbai but i want to change to hyderabad. If anyone interested in swapping, reply?

    3. i got my base location in mumbai but i want to change to hyd. please message me if any one is interested in swapping

  11. Does anybody want to swap locations with me? I got Bangalore but I want Pune.

    1. Pls ping to 8190899931
      I want to change Bangalore.

  12. Is anyone interested in swapping my ilp is on 29th July I got Chennai but I want Hyderabad

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I am from delhi and got ahmedabad as my JLoc. Stream-IT and joining date is 29July.Anyone interested to swap kindly respond.

  15. I am from TCS Nagpur location and wanted to change my location to PUNE any one from pure interested to come to Nagpur then will swap.

    1. Are you interested in locating swapping???

  16. I have got Bangalore as my base location and stream is IT if anyone wants to swap it with delhi, Kolkata , Ahmedabad . Please ping me.

  17. I have got Bangalore as my base location and stream is IT I wanted Delhi or Kolkata or Ahmedabad. Any one from in this. Please ping me at him825422@gmail.com.

  18. I got Bangalore as location but i want to Hyderabad. My stream is IT. If anybody wants to swap with me for Bangalore drop your email at rahul612k@gmail.com

  19. i got chennai if anyone wants swap who is from mumbai..... dm me on insta @creativity_craze
    joining date 16 aug

  20. HI, I got my location as mumbai ,but I need south india locations as Hyderabad(needed) or chennai(second preference) or bangalore(also ok) is fine. my joining month is september and got job in bps.

  21. Hlo i got my location in bhubaneswar but i want hyderabad or banglore and my stream is it...does anyone want swap

  22. Hlo i got my location in bhubaneswar but i want in hyderabad or banglore,my stream is it ....anyone want swap with drop a mail to vempatimeghanadevi@gmail.com

  23. Hello !!
    I got my location as Mumbai with Stream IT
    I want Bangalore
    If any needs To swap with me
    Just mail me

  24. I got Bhuvaneshwar location I just want to swap to Hyderabad.Is any one there to help me .My mail id is pallavinari324@gmail.com

  25. Hello! I got my base location as Kolkata. My preferred locations are Delhi and pune .
    My stream is CBO.
    Anyone interested in swapping can mail me at:

  26. Hello! I got my base location as Chennai. My preferred locations are pune .
    My stream is CBO.
    Anyone interested in swapping can mail me at:

  27. Hello I have got joining location as bhuvaneshwar but I stay in Bangalore anyone wants to swap with me can mail at prajwaln592@gmail.com please help me

  28. Hello I have got joining location as bhuvaneshwar but I stay in chennai anyone wants to swap with me can mail at pragadesh24@gmail.com please help me

  29. Hello i got joining location as chennai but i stay in mumbai anyone wants to swap with me.....i want mumbai or pune location plz reply of anyone is interested 🙏


    1. I got Mumbai location.
      I wanna swap to Chennai.
      Ping me 8190899931

  30. Hello i got joining location as chennai but i stay in mumbai anyone wants to swap with me.....i want mumbai or pune location plz reply if anyone is interested..my stream is CBO and joining date 7 oct

    1. Yah I want Hyderabad or chennai

    2. I got Mumbai location.
      I wanna swap to chni or Kochi or Bangalore

  31. Hello I got my base location as Bhubaneshwar.My stream is IT.
    I want to swap locations like Hyderabad, Banglore if any one wants to swap mail at hyndhavi.kancharla@gmail.com

  32. Im from Chennai. but got Bangalore as worklocation. My stream CBO. Anybody from bangalore and got chennai location??? Contact me : sandhiyasandy234@gmail.com

  33. Hey guys i got my base location as pune My stream is IT .My preferred location is Hyderabad of telegana.If anybody wants to swap with me please contact me
    Mail id-kothaabhinavreddy@gmail.com.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hey guys : My base location is Mumbai but I want Kolkata, any where in UP, Patna or may be in Delhi also. Please contact me if you want Mumbai and your base location is any where in north or north-east. Please contact on anand.awanish305@gmail.com

  36. I have nagpur i want to change it to banglore anybody is there pls reply

  37. I got my work location in bhubaneswar, but iam in kerala, does anyone wants to swap?

  38. I got my work location in bhubaneswar, but iam in kerala, does anyone wants to swap!
    Contact me:*9400509650

  39. my work location is bhubaneswar,but i want kolkata, doest anybody wants to swap?

    kindly reach me at whatsapp-7584002995

  40. Hello my base location is nagpur i want to change it to pune, if anyone interested to swap kindly call at: 8305272337

  41. Hello I have got nagpur as base location but I want mumbai or pune, anyone interested to swap kindly plzz call at: 8999620102

    1. My base location is mumbai but I want hyd

    2. I got Mumbai location but wanted to change to nagpur

    3. I got nagpur location but i wanted pune/ mumbai please contact-7758840697

  42. Hey Naveen I got kochi location I want to relocate to Chennai can we swap my mail id : rajkumarrk1307@gmail.com

  43. I got kochi location but I want to change to chennai or Bangalore any one interested pls mail to rajkumarrk1307@gmail.com

  44. Hi I got ahmedabad as base location but i want hyd or Bangalore or chennai, if anybody wants to swap ping me nagaa.prasadu@gmail.com

  45. Hi. I'm in chennai and I got Ahmedabad location. I'm a single child for my parents and it'll be difficult for them to be alone. I need change of location. Please help me with this

  46. If anyone want Kolkata as there base location plz call 7382990272 ,I want hyderbad or banglore

  47. if anyone want mumbai as base location please contact telegram id @pavanharsha143
    i want Hyderabad as base location

  48. I want indore location ,and got banglore location as base can anyone change from Indore.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes Akshay i am from Indore I want banglore location

  49. I want Banglore location. But I got Nagpur. If anybody want to join Nagpur contact me 9620591150

  50. Hi I got Mumbai as base location but i want hyd, if anybody wants to swap ping me

  51. Hey. I got base location as Nagpur. If anyone wants to swap it with Hyderabad I am open for it. HMU at 8978340348. JD is 21 Feb 2022

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I want Hyderabad location.but I got Indore.if any body want to swap with indore ping me

  54. Anyone here whose location is in South india and wants to change it to Ahmadabad? DOJ:- 5th may 2022

  55. Anyone here whose joining location is in South india and wants to change it to Ahmadabad? DOJ:- 5th may

  56. Hello is there any other way of changing the job location before the joining letter is provided.

  57. Anyone who wants to change base location to chennai? My desired location is Bangalore.

  58. Anyone who wants to change base location to lucknow? My desired location is Delhi. Connect on whatsapp 8373921144

  59. I got tcs Kolkata I want to change to New delhi

    1. Whatsapp me on 9336248769 for Kolkata to delhi 2022 batch

  60. I have got my base location as Ahemdabad will it be changed once i join?, is there any permanent mainframe projects in Ahmedabad offices

  61. Hi i got trivandrum as base location, i need Bangalore any one wishes to swap

  62. I got my location at mumbai
    Joining on 22 nd aug 2022
    I want to change to Hyderabad or Bangalore
    Pls let me know any one interested to swap to mumbai

  63. Hi

    I got location Mumbai.
    I need to change Bangalore or Kochi or Chennai due to my parents health issues.
    Anybody want to swap.
    Pls ping me 8190899931

  64. Hi,
    I am currently working in TCS, Kochin GE account
    i want to swap kochi to chennai
    can you please any one there in Chennai to swap the location to kochi
    ping me in mobile 8072688142

  65. Hey I got Bangalore but I need in chennai due to parent health issue please let me know if anyone are interested in swapping

  66. Guys , I got Ahmedabad TCS joining, I want Hyderabad, if anyone wants to swap locations, I am ready. the person should have a Hyderabad location in joining letter please respond ASAP june 7 2023

  67. Hi,
    I got base location as Mumbai. If anyone wants to swap it with Bangalore, I am open for it. Let me know on 7567199435. Joining date is 8th May 2023.

  68. Hi,
    I got base location as Mumbai. If anyone wants to swap it with Bangalore, I am open for it. Let me know on 7567199435. Joining date is 8th June 2023.

  69. Hey! I got Mumbai but i want to switch to Bangalore.
    If anyone interested, ping me on sharmishthanath2401@gmail.com

  70. I got Banglore and I want Ahmedabad
    Anyone Having Ahmedabad as their work location and want Bangalore? ping me on dhruvpatel.ict19@gmail.com

    1. Is chennai ok for u ?

    2. and what is your joining date let me know if u r interested for chennai

  71. hello i got chennai as my ilp and work location but i want bangalore. if anyone knows what to do please let me know.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. hello i got chennai as my ilp and work location, but i want bangalore. if anyone knows what to do to change it bangalore please let me know.

  74. hello i got chennai as my ilp and work location, but i want bangalore. if anyone knows what to do to change it bangalore or if anyone wants to swap your work location to chennai if u have got bangalore. Joining date sept 14 2023.
    Then do email me at theapexpredator77@gmail.com

  75. I got my ilp and work location in Mumbai. If anyone wants to swap with delhi location then email at rajkumar03062001@gmail.com


  76. I got my location as Kolkata but I want Delhi, my joining is on 25 July 2024, if anyone wants to swap can reach out to piyushjlbs36@gmail.com

  77. I got my location as new delhi but I want Kolkata, my release from ILP is on 25th October 2024 and my joining was on 29th August, if anyone wants to swap can reach out to me: soumyajit16.das@gmail.com

  78. I got my location at Chennai, but I want in Delhi, my joining date is 17 January 2025. if any wants to swap, kindly reach out to me:- 1212nikita2000@gmail.com


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