About Us

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What is TcsPreparation ?

Tcspreparaion.com is a blog was started on 08 July, 2014 by Amit Kumar Gupta. This was started with the goal of providing easy and all excellent information related to TCS's training, which is known as Initial Learning Program (ILP). I am always trying to provided high quality articles related to TCS which would be easy to understand that what is going on at ILP centers.

My name is Amit kumar gupta, graduated in B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering from Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar and now, I am an Assistant System Engineer in TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICE LIMITED, PUNE. I am very simple person who loves to see big dreams, face challenges in life and be with friends always... for me sky is the limit... So it does not really matter how many times I have won but all what counts to me is how honestly and efficiently I have tried...

My hometown is ORAI neighborhood to KANPUR. My hobbies are reading, writing, playing cricket and visiting new place. My strength is that I am hard worker. From my childhood, my only passion was to explore my ideas to the world and my passion is overcome by websites. I used to write this website so that I may explore my ideas to all world and provide relevant information to someone who is desiring to get information. I love to have lots of friends. This is all I can say about myself. Hope you'll like me and visit my websites for knowing about TCS.

Thank you...


  1. Hi Amit can you please remove the articles on ITIS. I am Rahul the original author and these contents are copied from my site. Will really appreciate. Thank you in advance.


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