Online Exam

Hello everyone,

Here, I have something for you. This aptitude section will be based on GATE pattern. So, All of us can also do preparation for GATE, CAT or Aptitude or other companies exam.

This section will help the students for appearing the exam by online. Its mission is to offer a quick and easy way to appear the exam and it also provide the result immediately after the exam. Through partnerships with agencies/boards which are conducting the multiple choice type examination, it can provide special advantages to the applicants/students that can’t be found anywhere else.

The working of the project is as follows:-
The first page provides several links. The Home page contains information about online examination; it provides a link to the login page. In the Login link, a user have to login before entering for the exam. 
An already registered user can simply type in his\her valid username and password, and then click the "Login" button.
But those visitors who are not registered have to go to the registration page for registering only as a student before they login. In that page, user has to enter Name, Password, Re-type password and contact number, in which he/she join us.

After registration, the user registered as a student and he/she can answer the exam.

He/she can see his/her previous result and his/her performance statistics graph and also can download his/her previous question paper with or without answer key in pdf format.

Logout button will help the user to logout.

It will have some previous yr question. There is be a graph which will show your details and paper level for ex How much % is tough or simple or avg. It look like as...

For more pic...Go here


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