Birth Certificate Affidavit


I, ________________________ S/o ___________________ residing at __________________________ _________________________________________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:

i)                    That my Date of Birth is ____________________________.
ii)                   That my Place of Birth is ____________________________.
iii)                  That name of my Father is ____________________________________.
iv)                  That name of my Mother is ____________________________________.
v)                   That address of my parents at the time of my birth was_______________________ ________________________________________________________________________.
vi)                  That permanent address of my parents is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

I, ___________________ do hereby solemnly affirm that the contents of this affidavit from Paragraphs 1(i) to 1 (vi) are true and correct to the best of my personal knowledge and belief. I do understand that if the above affirmation is proved to be false, I will be solely responsible for any situation arising thereafter.

      Deponent                                                                                 Sworn Before Me 
    (Amit Kumar Gupta)                                                                     [Notary’s Seal/Sign]       


  1. Can we use this format for the affidavit if the birth certificate is in local language and we want it in English?

    1. Hello Juhi,
      This is a general proforma of Birth certificate and it vary district by district. So please go to your NAGAR PALIKA and check their your Birth certificate form.
      Thank you for your query!!!
      Have a nice day


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