TCS Innovation Labs - Life Sciences

Ideate, architect, design, pilot and develop innovative business solutions and offerings for the pharmaceutical industry with TCS’ Life Sciences Innovation Lab.

TCS’ Life Sciences Innovation Lab helps you devise your business solutions and offerings using technology enablers like mobility, social media, cloud computing, Big Data, etc. and various COTS products such as Oracle Argus, Oracle Clinical, Empirica Signal, etc., which are widely used in life sciences industry.

Focus Areas

  • Developing new life sciences industry-specific business solutions and offerings
  • Evaluating industry-leading COTS products
  • Performing Proof of Concepts (POCs)
  • Demonstrating business processes deployment across the life sciences value chain
  • Enabling competancy development

The TCS Advantage:-

  • Strong pharmaceutical and medical devices domain expertise with 12,000+ experienced consultants working across the pharma value chain serving various global customers
  • Leadership recognition by leading industry analyst groups 
  • Innovation rigor, leading to the development of a variety of solution frameworks and accelerators, which cater to the industry challenges and issues across the value chain
  • Strategic partnerships with leading product vendors in the life sciences domain.
  • Proven delivery model for global delivery leveraging TCS’ Global Network Delivery Model™ (GNDM™)
  • Innovation Labs and Co-Innovation Network (COIN™) to help you achieve and maintain a competitive advantage

Key Products Developed In The Lab:-

  • Pharma Industry Reference Architecture (PIRA): Consists of business process maps, application architecture, information architecture, etc. of various business functions of the pharma value chain

  • Clinical Portal: A study-specific collaboration site template, which provides collaboration and communication functionalities

  • ASTER: Built on the Clinical Trials Operational Datawarehouse Framework with built-in dashboards and reports

  • Drug Safety Environment: Configured Argus safety and insight-based drug safety environment to demonstrate the industry standard processes specific to drug safety

  • SafeMobile: Case registration using mobile devices such as iPads/iPhones for adverse event registration remotely, generating ICH-ICSR E2B/E2B+ or CIOMS XML file and sending notifications via emails

  • SafeReconcile: An adverse event reconciliation solution with in-built logic to review and generate reconciliation report for the adverse events reported in two different systems

  • Quality Assurance Hub: A framework for the orchestration of the plethora of otherwise disparate, yet critical, data sources into a centrally managed Quality Assurance Hub, a one-stop area for all QA personnel with re-usable components and structures for easy integrations and developments

  • Clinical Data Management Platform: End-to-end cloud-based services in the area of Clinical Data Management (CDM) and Biostatics & Programming (BSP) on TCS’ hosted platform using the BPaaS Model

  • Clinical Trial Management Solution (Clin-E2E): End-to-end clinical trials and data management system, which supports an online/offline environment for the following:
    • Clinical data capture
    • Multi-study, multi-site and multi-phase modules on site management
    • Profile management
    • Subject management
    • Trial management
    • 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
    • GCP Compliance
    • The solution is also available as a hosted platform “Clin-HOST” in the BPaaS model.

  • BioAppliance: A self-contained and self maintaining system that integrates structural, sequence, and biological function data and helps reduce the amount of time spent on data management and increase scientific productivity
  • Drug Discovery Solution (Bio-Suite): A comprehensive, portable and modular software for computational biology and bioinformatics, the suite includes a friendly Graphic User Interface (GUI) with powerful sequence and structure display and editing facilities
  • Clinical Data Transformation Engine (CDTE): Automates the transformation of legacy data formats to CDISC or other formats and supports a variety of input formats, providing configurable mapping rules with historical intelligence with data conversion engine
  • Safety Signal Management: A configured signal management environment (using Empirica Signal and SAS) to perform signal analysis on the adverse events data from AERS and Argus-based drug safety system using various algorithms like ROR, PRR, YULS, etc.


The Life Sciences Innovation Lab is equipped with the required infrastructure and various industry-leading COTS products like Oracle Clinical, TMS, Argus Safety, Emperica Signal, Oracle Clinical Data Analytics, Oracle LSH, etc.
It provides you with the following benefits:
  • Reduced time-to-market efforts for any solution deployment
  • Improved service delivery efficiency
  • Increased customer retention
  • Reduction in operational expenses
  • Early adaption of technology
Research Areas:-

The Life Sciences lab provides an environment to ideate, architect, design and develop innovative domain solutions and offerings using new technologies. It focuses on:
  • Developing new pharma business solutions and offerings
  • Evaluating industry leading COTS products
  • Performing POC for Pharma customers
  • Demonstrating Business processes across pharma value chain
  • Competency development 
Key Business Solutions:-
  • Bringing efficiencies in Clinical Operations by leveraging mobility & Social media
  • Improving study team productivity using Collaboration and eDocument exchange approach
  • Reducing TCO by building new Cloud based platforms
  • Reducing data redundancy and adoption of industry data standards for improving regulatory compliance as well as bringing efficiencies in data management processes
  • Addressing drug counterfeit challenge and regulatory requirement around Serialization and ePedigree
  • Building clinical data repository and analytics solution to extract intelligence to optimize Clinical trial planning and execution as well as enabling regulatory’s audit readiness
The Pharmaceutical Innovation lab is equipped with the required infrastructure and various industry leading COTS products like Oracle Clinical, TMS, Argus Safety, Emperica Signal, Oracle Clinical Data Analytics, Oracle LSH etc.

Key Products Developed in the Lab:-
  • Clin-e2e (CTMS and CDM Application) also available in hosted environment
  • End-to-end Clinical Data Management and Bio-Statistics Cloud Based Platform
  • Clinical Data Transformation Engine (CDTE)
  • Clinical Portal Based on MS Sharepoint
  • MDM Solution Accelerators for Clinical and Pharma Sales master data management and others
  • PIRA (Pharma Industry Reference Architecture), which captures the pharma business process along with Application and Information Architecture Reference Model.


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