TCS Innovation Labs - Chennai

Research Areas:-
Decision Sciences and Algorithms | Human Centric System and Social Media | Cyber Physical Systems

The research groups in Chennai work on:

Sustainable Solutions and Consulting:-
  • Green IT solutions and consulting: especially Green data centers and green facilities.
  • Smartening water distribution networks at both utility and campus scales with a focus on energy and water management.
  • Renewable energy integration with special emphasis on predicting wind speed & power, solar farm sizing, and hybrid wind-solar plant designs.
 Next Gen Web Technologies:-
  • Social software, semantic web and Rich Internet Application (RIA) platforms.
  • Consulting in Enterprise 2.0, usability and Social Interaction Design, creation of web-oriented architectures and Mashup platforms and tools and assets for facilitating these.
  • Consumer internet user experience into the enterprise to bridge the growing gap between the open, democratic, flat systems and the top-down, hierarchical way of working that pervades most companies.
  • ECView
  • Knome
  • TCS Data Center Power Management framework
  • Smart water networks
  • Wind forecasting


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