TCS Innovation Labs - Bengaluru

Research Areas: Cyber Physical Systems | ICT Systems | Human Systems

TCS Innovation Lab, Bengaluru, focuses on Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) involving technologies for distributed multimodal sensing, communications, monitoring and control. It aims at conducting integrated research programs to create multi-disciplinary innovations in “Intelligent Systems of Things” toward building intelligent facilities and infrastructures.

Major research areas include the following:-
  • Robust sensing and sensor informatics
  • Security and privacy for M2M
  • Intelligent facilities and infrastructures
Robust Sensing and Sensor Informatics explores the following:-
  • Robust sensor communications through adaptive coding
  • Road intelligence and driving behavior estimation using vehicular accelerometry
  • Non-intrusive monitoring of home appliances through smart meter data disaggregation
Security and Privacy for M2M focuses on the following:-
  • Identity-based encryption for security in the Internet of Things
  • Secure group communication of devices
  • Security and privacy preservation in participatory sensing
Human Systems explores the following:-
  • Estimation of human fatigue and stress level using bio-sensing
Intelligent infrastructures research helps you with the following:-
  • Mobile tele-assistance enabled by augmented reality
  • Unmanned aerial vehicle-based sensing for infrastructure monitoring
Solutions and Tools:-
  • Power Prism: For non-intrusive load monitoring for home
  • Acoustic NFC: Near-field communication using audio for smartphones
  • Mobile PassVault: A password vault secured using IBE on smartphones
  • Secure M2M with IBE
  • Robust M2M with FEC


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