Importance of Business Skills in TCS (What is Business Skills)

There is a sequence of learning in ILP. You first have to take initial exams so that they can assess the present level of the required skills in you. In this series, first of all, you have to go through.


Phase 1:- During the first week of ILP, they will conduct this test to check what is your present status in speaking English. They will give you an on-spot topic(extempore) and you need to speak on that for 3-4 minutes (max 5 minutes) in front of your business faculty and your fellow associates. It is also true that Speaking on any topic at a stretch is bit harder than writing on same. 
Topic can be like this:-

1) What problem did you face during your final projects?
2) Describe your final year projects?
3) How was your first day at ILP? Describe it.
4) Describe your journey from home town to ILP center. etc...

If you fail (I mean, you are not up to the mark) then you will be put into remedial. This is a 20 marks exam. Whoever has excellent speaking skills, will be awarded by 14 marks. Person getting score below 10 ( or not 10) will be put into remedial (need to do some extra works on his/her speaking skills). 

Phase 2:- In this phase, there would be presentation of your project. You will have to present it in front of your biz skill faculty as well as your technical faculty.  All your team members would be there. Faculties will judge your skills and give you marks & feedback also. If you score equal to or more than 10 then its mean, you are safe otherwise you will be put into direct LAP.


Phase 1:- Similar to speaking skills test, they will conduct writing skills test where you are given a topic and you need to write about it in a sheet provided by TCS.
Topic can be like this:-
1) Need of writing skills in corporate world
2) First day at ILP
3) Have you got any friend at ILP, if yes... How is this? etc...

The time duration would be 1 hour for this test, which is sufficient time for writing. Only one sheet would be provided so be careful, that your all content gets completed in the given space. 
It is also a 20 marks where the excellent writing will get 14 marks. The poor one in writing may get below 10 (i.e. remedial). 

Phase 2:- Before end of the ILP, again there would be a post writing skill diagnostics. In this test, you have to write an email on any topic provided by them. If you failed in this, then directly you will be put in the LAP. So, kindly mind it and do well in the test. 


The dangerous word during your ILP. Always try that you will not get it in any of the diagnostics. If you are not up to the mark in any skills (writing, speaking as well as technical), then you will be put into remedial. Remedial for speaking skills and writing skills is different. However some will be in both remedial. You need to come to extra classes after your office hours and improve your skills. You will be given extra care.

In the middle of your ILP they will conduct mid diagnostics test for remedial people. Around 10 to 20 from a batch of 60 will be in remedial. They will teach you, so don't worry.


Based on mid diagnostics scores, maximum of 10 trainees will be selected who have scored less in mid diagnostics of speaking skills. Hence writing skills remedial people are safe. During cross viva, only selected people will be made to present in video conference room where they will be interviewed by other location's  ILP faculty. At most one student will be selected from that list and he/she will be kept in LAP. In this interview, they can ask anything related to your self to judge you. If they do not get satisfied with your skills then you will be put into LAP.


It is the most dangerous word during ILP. LAP for business skills is designed for 30 days. It will begin after your end of ILP. You will be assigned a vacant system and you need to work on your weak points in English. A mentor is provided to guide you. One or two in the batch of 60 may be in LAP. During this time, you will have to come office in the morning and then have to talk to your all faculties by one by one. You need to introduce yourself to all. They will give you some assignments or topics, so you have to prepare that topics next day. This process will continue for whole one month. In the last week of your LAP period, you will take interview of your all faculties, head of ILP. Then, they will give you rating which will be evaluated. If you pass then you can go to your post location or else, LAP will be continued again.  

Follow the below suggestions to be free from remedial and LAP:-
@ Start writing anything for sometime everyday and then you correct it yourself.

@ Practice speaking some random topic everyday until ILP.

Admin Note:- If this post was helpful for you, then please let me know at our Facebook page...


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