Final docs

Finally u should have these all completed document. Plz ensure that all ur documents be ready at the time of joining.. they are strictly evaluating every document.

Gazetted attested (2 copies)

1) 10th, inter, UG and PG marks sheets

2) Provisional certificate

3) Passport( if not acknowledgement or at least the photocopy of filled application form should be produced)

4) Pan card

5) Birth certificate

6) Surety's PAN card

7) Surety's verification form/Surety’s passport copy

8) Surety’s proof of income- Form 16/IT Returns

Self attested (2 copies)

1) TCS offer letter

2) TCS joining Letter

3) ID proof

4) Address proof

5) NSR registration( Photocopy of nsr e-card)

Stamp papers

1) Service agreement on INR 100 stamp paper(with ur and surety's signature at the bottom of every page)

2) Completed medical fitness certificate – duly filled and sealed. Make sure medical practitioner’s seal is present on your photograph and the last page.

3) Non Criminal (Additional)l Affidavit undertaking on a Rs. 100/- stamp paper - Original

NOTE: For those whose final sem results are out but not original mark sheet, printout of final sem result should be taken and it should be duly attested by college principal or secretary or hod.


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