BIPM (Business Intelligence & Performance Management)
Recently TCS has started allocating a new stream- BIPM. It stands for Business Intelligence and Performance Management though it has been existing since 2008 in ILP. But now more number of students are getting this in ILP.

Already Hydrabad and Kolkata ILP centers have started this. It’s a new domain in the corporate sector. But its growing steadily and gives you loads of opportunity to excel and prosper.

Now let’s have some ideas about it...

Now there are two terms - one is Business Intelligence (BI) and the other is Performance Management (PM)...

These two terms serve following purposes together:

1. Proactive monitoring and management to maximize business performance.
2. Continuous data work-flows for real time business intelligence.
3. Information integration for an enterprise view.
4. BI and PM mainly look after the potential customers. It counts the factors such as usability, manageability, reliability, functionality, adaptability, supplier validation, the business case for return on investment (ROI) and the total cost of ownership (TCO).

Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of applications and technologies for gathering, storing, analysing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions.

BI applications include the activities of decision support systems, query and reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting, data mining, process mining, complex event processing, business performance management, bench marking, text mining and predictive analytic.

Business Intelligence can be applied to the following business purposes (MARCKM), in order to drive business value-

1. Measurement – Program that creates a hierarchy of performance metrics and bench marking that informs business leaders about progress towards Business process management.

2. Analytic – Program that builds quantitative processes for a business to arrive at optimal decisions and to perform Business Knowledge Discovery. Frequently involves: data mining, process mining, statistical analysis, Predictive analytic, Predictive modelling, Business process modelling, complex event processing.

3. Reporting/Enterprise Reporting – Program that builds infrastructure for Strategic Reporting to serve the Strategic management of a business, NOT Operational Reporting. Frequently involves: Data visualization, Executive information system, OLAP.

4. Collaboration/Collaboration platform – Program that gets different areas (both inside and outside the business) to work together through Data sharing and Electronic Data Interchange.

5. Knowledge Management – Program to make the company data driven through strategies and practices to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences that are true business knowledge. Knowledge Management leads to Learning Management and Regulatory compliance/Compliance.

Each and every project now-a-days needs BIPM. TCS has recruited and allotted many guys in that department after training. Some of the projects like - ALCOA, BRITISH TELECOMM, PWC, EXPERIAN and GENERAL MOTORS are directly linked and controlled by BIPM.

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