Aptitude paper

Hello everyone!!!

Here, I am sharing those paper which is asked by TCS within 4 years.

Just click on them for downloading...

1.   About TCS (At my time, please update it with new one.)

2.   Why TCS (Most important ques)

3.   Final paper 2014

4.   Solution of final paper 2014

5.   Final paper 2013 

6.   Solution of final paper 2013

7.   Final paper 2012

8.   Solution of final paper 2012

9.   TCS pattern 2012-2013

10. 2010-11 all pattern from all over

11. Paper -1 and his solution

12. Paper -2 and his solution

13. Paper -3 and his solution

14. All pattern of TCS

15. TCS aptitude paper

16. Model question and their answer

17. TCS questions GCE, Aurangabad

17. Some important question of Technical ,HR and MR round

18. All technical interview question (I prepared myself from this one and every question was from here, so if you can prepare then go for it.)

19. Quantitative Aptitude assessment

20. My interview at 16 November 2013 ( For those who are interested to know that which type of question they asked.)

If you have any query then comment here...
All the best guys!!!

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