TCS Document Final List

Hello Friends,

Set of Documents:

1. Joining Letter:- 3 Self-Attested(2 Plain-copy for safety)
2. Offer Letter:- 3 Self-Attested(2 Plain-copy for safety)
3. Non-Criminal Affidavit:- Original AND MUST BE NOTARIZED BY NOTARY.
4. Service Agreement:- Original(Carry an extra copy of SA from Page 2-5 signed by you and your Surety for Safety) (SA NEED NOT BE NOTARIZED)
4.a) Surety Verification Form/Surety’s Passport:- SVF 1 copy GO Attested/ Surety’s Passport- 3 photocopies GO Attested BUT NOT ORIGINAL(Originals are not required)
4.b) Surety’s PAN card:- 3 photocopies GO Attested BUT NOT ORIGINAL(Originals are not required)
4.c) Surety's ITR/ Form No. 16:- 3 *photocopies GO Attested BUT NOT ORIGINAL (Originals are not required)
5. Birth Certificate:- Original+ 3 GO Attested + 1 Self-Attested
6. Gap affidavit, Multi-name affidavit,Sign affidavit or any:- Original -on 20 Rs or above stamp paper NOTARIZED (if applicable)
7. Medical Certificate:- Original and 1 copy Attested by MBBS Doctor.
8. Passport:- Original + 4 photocopies GO Attested+1 Self- Attested
9. PAN Card:- Original + 3 photocopies GO attested +1 Self-Attested
10. ID Proof:- Original + 3 photocopies GO attested+1 Self- Attested .
11. Address Proof:-  Original + 3 Photocopies GO Attested+1 Self- Attested
12. NSR(E-Card sent to your mail):- 3 print out(Self-Attested)
13. Academic Documents:- 
13.a) SSLC(10th) Certificate:- Original+ 3 photocopies GO Attested
13.b) HSC(12th) Certificate:- Original + 3 photocopies GO Attested
13.c) Diploma Certificate(if any):- Original + 3 photocopies GO Attested
13.d) Consolidated mark statement (if any)of Degree:- Original + 3 copies attested by Gazetted officer
13.d) B.E/B.Tech Mark sheets:- Original(Total 8 Semesters) + 3 photocopies GO Attested
13.e) B.E/B.Tech Provisional Certificate:- Original + 3 photocopies GO Attested
14. 20 passport size photographs with white background(5 stamp size photographs also recommended)
15.Background Check Form:-
You will fill BGC online once u join ilp (may be after 1 week from joining) but if the BGC is present in the mail that u will receive before 1 week from your joining then you have to carry the hard copy of the BGC with you.
For hard copy of BGC just take the print it in A4 paper and filled it and keep it with you. NO ATTESTATION of GO or anyone is required so don't take so much tension about BGC (background check).
TCS has third party agreement. Some people might visit your place (address mentioned by you in bgc) and just enquire about the basic details like your name , DOB, etc. but it happens rarely they just call your residence number and enquire about in phone.
16) Address Proofs:- Passport, Aadhar Card, Society Letter, Electricity Bill (If in Father’s name,surname should match),Telephone Bill(If in Father’s name,surname should match),Ration card(with English translation Affidavit).
17) Identity Proofs:- Passport, PAN Card, Driving Licence, Voter-ID, Aadhar Card.

Note:- Take at-least 3 set of all docs and 2 non attested set.


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