Happy Birthday to Gandhiji

Hello friends !!!

2nd October…ring e bell???
Yes this is the day our great idol of non violence, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi popularly known as “Gandhiji” was born… This day is also celebrated in all over world as the “International Day of Non-Violence”… 
Should we not be proud of this ???
He wanted to be a barrister and so went to England... Soon after returning from England, he proceeded to South Africa in the search of work… He became one of the victim of this racism prevailing in South Africa… He was thrown out of the running train even after having a valid ticket in the first class reservation. This act shook him badly to the heart and he started to oppose the social evil of racism… After that he returned to India and he met Gopal Krishna Gokhale and discussed about the movements of Indian freedom struggle…He included himself in the Indian National Congress and raised his voice against the British ruling in India.

He called for “Satyagraha", the biggest movement ever in Indian history and in response to that the “Quit India Act” was launched sending out a message to  the ruling British that leave our country and we are capable of ruling our own country. All these movement made British East India Company to set themselves on back foot and we finally got our freedom for this great soul...
He is also revered in India as “The Father of Nation”.
So have we ever tried to realize how did this man of steel inspire the young engineers? Let’s explore it in our own way…

We engineers are called the designers of our own thoughts as Gandhiji once said 
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.
We engineers at times are called aggressive as Gandhiji once said 
“If you don't ask, you don't get”.
We engineers act calm, casual and placid at the most toughest situations also as Gandhiji once said 
“Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding”.
We engineers work hard and almost got work alcoholic at our early age only as Gandhiji once said 
“The future depends on what we do in the present”.
We engineers live our life on the edge and grasp something to the depth as Gandhiji once said 
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow and learn as if you live forever”.

And so engineers are often called “The Nation Builder”…and we celebrate this day as “Gandhi Jayanti” in the remembrance of Gandhiji with great love and respect in our heart...
!!! Happy Gandhi Jayanti to all of you !!!

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