Your College Grades

Hello friends!!!

Do you want to know to your colleges grades...

Guys, Actually, there are many college and I didn't have all colleges information so If your college doesn't belong to this list then please mention your college details with grades.

So I could update it.

These all grades and college details are based on previous year.

So, It may be possible that your college grades can be increase. So please do comment here.

Click here for know your college details....


  1. I'm placed in offcampus drive. So what will be the criteria for offcampus candiddate? How they will consider college grade for getting JL if my college is new and there is no grade(or may i don't know)

    1. Hello Mr. Omkar, TCS always wants 60% throughout in ur carrier with max 1 backlog in ur graduation (which should be clear at d tym of joining) for both on campus or off campus drive. If u do not know about ur clg grades or if ur clg has not any grades den they will consider ur clg as a C grade college. so don't worry about it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi,
      No, i m telling about ur complete course. And it should be clear at d time of joining... It doesn't matter that u scored in in which sem...Many student have backlog in 8 sem so they can't join TCS bcz of this.

  2. Hi,
    I think the list is very old ( not been updated for around 4-5 years). My college name IIIT Jabalpur ( ) is not mentioned in any of the three groups. Could you please get the information and update the list.

    1. Hello Kaushal,
      Thank u for ur valuable comment. As I was said that there are many colleges and i haven't all clg's info.So if ur clg doesn't mention here then comment me ur clg name with details.
      Ur clg belong from which grade???

  3. My clg us gcew. Plz update info regarding my clg...

    1. Hello Deepanshi,
      Please comment your full college name with his grade.
      So I can update it.
      Thank you


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