Frequently asked questions in Java Interview
Hello Friends, Here, I am sharing some Java questions which is asked by any interviewers at Interview time. For all java stream guys, prepare these all question. It is he basic question for all of you. (1) Uses of “this” and “super” Keywords in java. (2) Explain about User-defined Exceptions. Steps for generating User-defined Exception. (3) Difference between String and StringBuffer class. (4) What is Object Serialization and How Object Serialization is possible. (5) What is JDBC? Explain, how the sql statements are executed? (6) Describe about all types of drivers in JDBC. (7) What is Thread? How many ways to construct the Thread in java? (8) What is Thread Synchronization? How it avoid deadlock situation? (9) Describe the Life Cycle of Applet. How paint(), repaint() and update() methods work in java? (10) Describe FlowLayout, BorderLaylout, GridLayout and CardLayout. (11) What is delegation model or 1.2 model of java and describe all the 11 Listeners p...